Since the founding of the Celitement GmbH has been supported by two large national funding projects:
2010 - 2013: BMBF together with PTJ Jülich
2014 - 2017: BMBF together with VDI
Since the founding of the Celitement GmbH has been supported by two large national funding projects:
2010 - 2013: BMBF together with PTJ Jülich
2014 - 2017: BMBF together with VDI
The Federal Ministry for Education and Research BMBF and Project Management Jülich PTJ promoted the optimization of Celitement process with focus on ressources and energy in a 3-year-project.
Title: "Celitement - Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Zementes, TP3 Stoffliche und energetische Optimierung des Produktionsverfahrens"
Contract period: 01.7.2010 bis 30.6.2013
Partners: Schwenk, KIT, Celitement
Support code: 033R054A
Purpose of project: Enhancement of ressource and energy efficiency in cement production
The Federal Ministry for Education and Research BMBF and Project Management VDI Technologiezentrum promoted the production of light aggregate in a 3-year-project.
Title: "Nanoporöser druckfester Porenbetonstein hergestellt unter Einsatz von Calciumhydrosilikatbinder (NAPOS) T1: Herstellung von nanoporösem Leichtzuschlag im 100 kg Maßstab"
Contract period: 01.10.2014 bis 30.9.2017
Partners: Celitement, KIT, Xella
Support code: 13N13298
Purpose of project: Production of nanoporose light aggregates for porous concrete