
Since the founding of the Celitement GmbH has been supported by two large national funding projects:
2010 - 2013: BMBF together with PTJ Jülich
2014 - 2017: BMBF together with VDI

Funding BMBF and PTJ

The Federal Ministry for Education and Research BMBF and Project Management Jülich PTJ promoted the optimization of Celitement process with focus on ressources and energy in a 3-year-project.

Title: "Celitement - Entwicklung eines nachhaltigen Zementes, TP3 Stoffliche und energetische Optimierung des Produktionsverfahrens"
Contract period: 01.7.2010 bis 30.6.2013
Partners: Schwenk, KIT, Celitement
Support code: 033R054A
Purpose of project: Enhancement of ressource and energy efficiency in cement production

Funding BMBF and VDI

The Federal Ministry for Education and Research BMBF and Project Management VDI Technologiezentrum promoted the production of light aggregate in a 3-year-project.

Title: "Nanoporöser druckfester Porenbetonstein hergestellt unter Einsatz von Calciumhydrosilikatbinder (NAPOS) T1: Herstellung von nanoporösem Leichtzuschlag im 100 kg Maßstab"
Contract period: 01.10.2014 bis 30.9.2017
Partners: Celitement, KIT, Xella
Support code: 13N13298
Purpose of project: Production of nanoporose light aggregates for porous concrete